No toothaches, shots, drills, or expensive fillings…
Just fun bedtime routines, easy dental visits, and a foundation of good habits.

Hi, I’m Dr. Ryan Nielson, pediatric dentist, dad, and creator of Tooth Training. I want to teach you easy tools and strategies to care for your babies’ teeth at home—so you can protect them from ever getting cavities.
Each day in the dental office, I talk to parents who feel shocked, frustrated, and guilty that their young children already have cavities. They say things like:
"I don’t know what else to do! He hates brushing his teeth and won't hold still for me."
"I can’t believe she needs so many fillings. I’ve failed as a parent."
"How did this happen? He doesn’t even eat much candy."
Unfortunately, many parents start caring for their kids’ teeth too late, after the problems have already started. At Tooth Training, we will teach you how to protect your baby’s smile from the beginning.
We focus on 3 simple areas:

1. Brushing
Learn about teeth and how to clean them with minimal effort.

2. Eating
Get practical ideas for tooth-friendly foods that kids will actually eat.

3. Going to the Dentist
Make dental visits easier on kids and worth your time and money.
Yes, you can give your baby a future with NO cavities...
NO toothaches, painful shots, scary drills, or expensive fillings…Just fun bedtime brushing routines, easy dental visits, and a foundation of good habits.